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Stress Baal 1.0.2
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Free today with App of the Day
Fact: You are stressed out.
Scientific studies have probably shown that the best way to alleviate stress is to take it out on someone else. And while insulting loved ones and destroying friendships is technically free, we're offering a nearly free alternative.
Stress Baal is a minor devil. You get to beat him up with your finger, and yes, he totally deserves it. Baal is hand animated like your favorite cartoon sponge or rabbit. Thousands upon thousands of drawings form the game. Not just a CG doll, the ever-scheming Baal has a personality. Granted, it's a loathsome one, but a personality nonetheless. Leave him idle and the little savage will probably save you the trouble and rough himself up... Often with fire.
More reasons to play Baal:
- Like human endeavor, Stress Baal is pointless. No score, no achievements, no goals. Goals are what got you so stressed in the first place.
- This pledge: We will never try to charge for additional content. No in app purchases ever.
- We didn't do a Kickstarter.
- In an App Store first, this game description contains no pandering exclamation points.