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Screen Shots:
A terrible roar bursts in the middle of the night, and the fiery glow ominously illuminates the 'Sun Valley' outskirts. A hundred rivers of fire flowed down burning all that it encountered on its way. Inhabitants were quickly leaving their comfortable homes and running away in panic. So a dragon became the owner of these places. How to pass the rivers of fire? How to kill a dragon? These are the questions raised before King Richard who was starting his journey to win the heart of Princess Margaret.
In order to pass a level it is necessary to transfer the whole game field blue. The field becomes blue only in those squares where identical gems, brought into a line, disappear. It is possible to collect gems only by exchanging places of neighbouring gems, to make a line of identical gems; if it does not happen when exchanging, the gems go back to their original places. By clicking the button "SELECT", the first gem is chosen. It is marked by the cursor. Then move the cursor onto the neighbouring gem and press the button "SELECT." After that, an exchange happens. There are also frozen gems in the game. It is necessary to unfreeze them by forming the line from the frozen gem with identical ones. Then it will behave like a normal gem.
Amusing gameplay;
Nice animation and graphics;
40 levels;
Samsung SGH-B100
Samsung SGH-B130
Samsung SGH-B130L
Samsung SGH-B200
Samsung SGH-B300
Samsung SGH-C130
Samsung SGH-C165
Samsung SGH-C166
Samsung SGH-C200
Samsung SGH-C207
Samsung SGH-C208
Samsung SGH-C210
Samsung SGH-C216
Samsung SGH-C218
Samsung SGH-C225
Samsung SGH-C230
Samsung SGH-C238
Samsung SGH-C276L
Samsung SGH-C420L
Samsung SGH-C425
Samsung SGH-C450
Samsung SGH-C458
Samsung SGH-E600
Samsung SGH-E600C
Samsung SGH-E608
Samsung SGH-M110
Samsung SGH-M140
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Samsung SGH-X610