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Sushiempire Gold Edition 1.0.1
Screen Shots:
The new styled strategy action game "SushiEmpire"!
The Gold Edition contains all packs from the original app!
Of course it runs on the universal application and you can play on
beautiful iPad screen too.
[The difference from the original app]
The gold edition contains the original Sushi Empire features and all
added stages ”MARINE PACK””SKY PACK””EMPIRE PACK” which are the same as
you purchased.
With the universal application support you can play much smoother and
easier in the iPad.
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"I am a sushi chef."
"I love to make my customers happy and satisfied with serving my sushi menus."
"I go wherever I can if there are someone who want to eat my sushi! "
You are not allowed to stop cooking menus for surging customers.
Can you really make your customers satisfied?
Game rules
You need to make your customers satisfied with serving your menus in time.
There are maximum 10 stages!
You can enjoy these funny stages and you will never forget.
There are varieties of customers.
An angry old man goes mad when you don't serve the menu,
A thief aunty steals your money,
A food fighter eats menus with unthinkable speed and so on.
Your menus also have different abilities.
You can get new menus as you complete the following stages.
And "Fever Chance" suddenly comes to you!
Hit the slot machine and line up 3 matching numbers!
Hit the jackpot and win a prize!
- Able to use GameCenter functions.
- Let's compete high scores with sushi chefs in the world!
Check it out and enjoy!