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Switchoff New York Lite 1.0
Screen Shots:
An addictive game of speed, quick reaction time and strategy. Fun for the entire family. SwitchOff New York Lite requires an agile finger and quick wits to keep up with the action and score big. The aim is to shut the lights off as quickly as you can before they drain your power reserves.
Proper use of Energy Saver weapons is key to staying alive and getting a high score! This FREE version of SwitchOff includes only the SmartBomb weapon - get the FULL version to take advantage of all 4 Energy Saver weapons!
Energy Saver Weapons:
- Smart Bomb
- Horizon Event (FULL version only)
- Electro-Magnetic Pulse (FULL version only)
- Green Shield (FULL version only)
The FREE version Includes:
- Starter Map with New York theme
- Fast paced action!
- Easy/Medium/Hard skill levels
- Smart Bomb Energy Saver weapon
- Random game program makes every game unique
- Easy to learn, A lifetime to master (it's true!)
“An absolute blast! Super fun”
Jane R, New York
“My favorite game on the Subway!”
Bill, White Plain NY
“Switch off is a favorite for the kids and teaches them about saving energy.”
Leona, Boston MA