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Sword Of Ninja Lite Lite 1.1
Screen Shots:
Sword of Ninja is now available on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
This game plays to get scores that cuts to objects of drop or move using to left or down side of buttons.
It’s more difficult when clear to levels. Higher level is fast moving objects and appears more obstacles.
Challenge to get a high score.
- It gets a more scores when use to left buttons for a drop objects. And first left button gets a high scores than third left button. (also down button)
- You can Combo hit. Both Left and Down button using to hit an object.
- You get a score when to hits an object of center.
* Ver Lite:
- just has 4 Level
- support help menu
- support local high score
- support World Ranking (new - Lite 1.1)
* Movie for game playing
- visit Goldfish Web Site
* Full Version (Buy App) - Ver 2.0
- until Level 20
- add more objects
- add special objects
- add upgrade swords (more fast speed of sword)
# We made games
* Cup Slide
* Break Window
* Ninja Wars
* Cartoon Sprint
* ArmMan
* Sword of Ninja
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