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Symbol Link New Puzzle Game From Tetris Inventor Alexey Pajitnov 1.1
Screen Shots:
Symbol Link designed by Tetris author Alexey Pajitnov is a novel take based on a well-known Number Link and Flow game mechanics.
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Solve puzzles pairing up matching symbols with a single path.
Team up with your iOS device artificial intelligence to score points by drawing autolinks – two symbols automatically connected when definite path between them exists.
Main Symbol Link features:
•1000+ puzzles;
•170+ challenges of 5 different types;
•3 puzzle packs braincrafted by Tetris author Alexey Pajitnov;
•Stylish visuals, music and sound effects.
Go higher with unique Symbol Link features:
•Puzzle boards of hundred different sizes and shapes;
•Autolinks to save your time but challenge you more;
•Advanced score system thoroughly measuring every move you play and quality of final solution;
•Hints and guides displaying previous solutions to assist your play.
Link to gameplay video:
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