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Ta Boom 1.7
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Ta-Boom! is a rapid-fire, easy-to-learn word game for all ages and skill levels. Featuring over 750 cards! It is perfect to play with friends, long time companions, and family members excited for a new challenge. Test your verbal capacity and lingual deftness. BUZZ. BOOM. May the sharpest team win.
Thanks to all of our loyal Ta-Boom! fans! We are excited to announce the first addition of categories! More card packs will be added in future updates. Please tell your friends to download and rate Ta-Boom!
RULES: Get your team to guess the word at the top of the screen as quickly as possible! 1. You cannot use any part or any form of the buzz words below it. 2. You cannot use any hand signals such as pointing or gesturing. 3. You cannot say "rhymes with" or "sounds like". GAME PLAY: If your team guesses the word at the top of the screen, press "Correct!" to move to the next word. --Your team will receive 1.0 points for each correct word. If you accidentally say any form or part of a buzz word, press "Pass/Buzz". One or more members of the opposing team can watch out for this and yell "BUZZ!" You can also pass on a word at any time by pressing "Pass/Buzz" --Your team will lose 1/2 a point for any Buzz or Pass. The team with the most points at the end of the Rounds wins! LASTLY: If you click the wrong button, don't worry! Keep playing! You will have the opportunity to review your answers at the end of the round.