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Tactical Warrior 1.3.3
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Tactical Warrior is a strategic RPG with fast paced, turn based battles. Battle the men and beasts of the land as you discover new items and strengthen your team of warriors.
- 10 Classes of Warriors - Each with a variety of attacks and passive abilities to choose from.
- 60 Items - Find some chain mail and a book of mastery to replace that stale bread your wielding.
- 100+ Battles - The single player campaign features well over 100 battles ranging from a one sided battle against a badger to challenging battles against bears, skilled warriors and more.
- Hot Seat Multiplayer - Challenge your friends in hot seat multiplayer skirmishes.
- 60+ Achievements - Unlock over 60 various achievements on Game Centre and Openfeint ranging from trivial achievements to great challenges.
"This is a really well designed, challenging, turn-based game featuring relatively small maps with a good variety of missions. The whole game appears well designed and thoughtfully put together."
89.5/100 - ArcadeLife
"Give this one a try if you like thinking before you swing your sword."
- SlideToPlay