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Tap Eleven 1.03
Screen Shots:
Tap Eleven is a card game that requires a quick mind and even quicker fingers. This game is based upon the card game called 'Elevens' in which the player must replace card combinations that equal 11 with remaining cards from the pack until no cards remain.
Game Center integration allows you to compete against other players by posting your best times and also rewarding you with achievements.
How To Play:
The aim of the game is to use select groups of cards that are equal to 11 from the 'table' cards. The 9 'table' cards are shown in the 3 x 3 grid that fills the majority of the screen. Either the combination of Jack, Queen and King can be selected or two numeric cards that total 11 between them (e.g. 7 + 4). Aces are equal to 1.
The remaining cards are shown on the right of the screen and the number remaining is shown on the top card. When a valid combination is selected the cards that make up the combination are replaced by those from the remaining cards. When the number of remaining cards reaches zero the game is complete.
Two modes are available. In 'Always Completable Mode' all games can be completed regardless of combinations chosen. In 'Not Always Completable Mode' the game is played with a random set of cards which may or may not allow the game to be completed. If no more combinations are available press the Start button to begin a new game.