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Tap Tap Balloon 1.0.4
Screen Shots:
Do your fingers need some exercise or loosen up a little? Or do you want to test your finger + eye coordination? Try Tap Tap Balloon After tapping all the balloons, your fingers will a good way!
- Two different modes
Normal mode: total 20 different stages. 8 to 10 waves per stage.
Endless mode: tab tab your balloons in a given amount of time.
- Global ranking
You can submit your score to compare with other people all around the world!
- Five different sets that you can master!
A liner set
A triangular set
A Rectangular set
A pentagonal set
A hexagonal set
★★★★★★★★HOW TO★★★★★★★★
- Game objectives
The game screen is divided into two. The screen on your left can be played by your left hand and the screen on your right can be played by your right hand.
When you start the game, a pattern of balloons will show up in the both side of the screen. You must tab the same numbered balloons on each screen!
The game will progress with an increase in difficulty.
- Controls
Tab the balloons with your finger! (thumbs preferred!).
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