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The Act 1.01
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★★★★★ The Act is now on sale for limited time! Celebrate summer by downloading this unique, emotion-packed game and help Edgar win Sylvia's heart! ★★★★★
Introducing The Act – an exciting new interactive comedy that makes gaming feel like playing a classically-animated movie. Take control of Edgar, a humble window washer, and help him on his quest to save his job, rescue his brother, and woo the woman of his dreams!
In The Act, you control both Edgar's actions and emotions. Swiping left or right with your finger will cause Edgar to react in different ways, and engage with other characters. Be careful, though, swipe too far and Edgar may get over-confident and things can get out of hand!
Everything about The Act is beautiful, from its classic hand-drawn style, to its warm-hearted character animations, to its captivating storyline. It's unlike anything else on the App Store.
With amazing, downright-hysterical animations throughout the game, The Act is a tremendous amount of fun for anyone.
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