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The Crush Star Lite 1.0.0
Screen Shots:
The Crush Star is a car chase game that lets players to chase down
the fleeing violent criminals with a police car armed with a gatling gun.
Avoid the public cars skillfully, catch up with the criminals, and stop them completely!
You can score high by crushing appearing "target" vehicles consecutively.
Be careful not to crush public cars and obstacles, or you'll lose points.
Basic Operation
Steering is intuitive, which is controlled by iPhone/iPod Touch acceleration sensor.
Tilting the device to the left or right will move the police car accordingly.
Swinging the device rapidly towards or away from the player will work as the brake.
Game Mode
There are two types of the game mode.
Chase Mode
1 stages
The player has to chase the fleeing criminal and stop him/her completely within a time limit.
Mission Mode
4 stages
The player has to complete a mission under a given set of conditions.
Operating Environment
iPhone(3G/3GS)/iPod Touch(2nd generation or later)
iPhone OS 3.0 or later is required to play this application.