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The Dumdumb Exam Hd Free 2.2
Screen Shots:
Are you a DumDumb?
Over 250,000 users have tried The DumDumb Exam!
Test your smarts with over 150 tricky challenges and a Marathon mode! (Full version has over 300 screens if you like what you see!) Beautiful photos from fantastic Flickr users illustrate each screen. Can you make it through in record time? Race against the Exam and show off to your friends by posting your best scores!
So simple to play - fun and addictive - just follow the directions and try your best not to get fooled!
Don't forget to hand the iPad over to your friends and enjoy the laughs as you watch them fail at questions that seem so simple at first glance.
Take the exam and see if you can earn a passing grade!
Go for it!
User reviews:
"My friends and I absolutely adore this game!!!!!! Every time I am with them they take my iPod touch and get on this app. Thank you so much for inventing this AMAZING GAME!!!!" - Tabby176
"This is definitely the best game to play to keep your mind active :)" - Kkamundo
"Cool game makes u stop and think about what you think are simple answers :)" - Watering hole
"Great thinking app. Tonight my son and I had a ball with this app!!! Great job guys!!!"
"Fun! Trying to be quick, learning something too!" - Bookhobbit
"Quick & fun way to pass the time. Just when you thought you knew every angle... They'll get you!!!" - BLONDEBOMBERNY
"I love it I can play it all day. everyone should play this game. once you start playing you won't stop!" - Jade2468
"I need to go to bed but I keep wanting to play....I can't stop! :) A fun, non-stress way to end my day... Thank you!!" - GN at HMH
"Awesome game to play with younger siblings! It makes us laugh and think together! XD (It's not cheating; it's teamwork.)" - EsquivelGamerz
"Great! Grandson and I race to see who is the fastest. Great learning tool." - Dedeki
Peekaboo Studios is a member of Moms with Apps, a collaborative group of family-friendly developers seeking to promote quality apps for kids and families.
Recommended Ages: 8-10, 11-12, parents
Categories: Games