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The Last Defender Hd 1.8.3
Screen Shots:
The Last Defender will plunge you into the heart of modern defense. As a
mercenary, you will be equipped with most sophisticated and powerful modern day weapons to protect the company's secret.
-45 campaign missions across 3 intensely detailed battle zones and multiple weather effects.
-29 challenges, each challenge has 3 difficulties.
-8 kinds of enemies including IFV, tanks, jets, choppers, airships and so on.
-7 weapons from real military forces, including LMG, HMG, Cannon, Bazooka, Chase Missile, Mortar, and PDA.
-2 kinds of ammo, basic&enhanced. Enhanced ammo has higher damage, which can help you finish the game more quickly.
-Upgrade your shield will make the game much more easier.
-Anti-Missile QTE System can help you intercept enemy's missiles.
-Call-Bomber to bomb the target area.
-Call-Airdrop can give you chances to get extra health point.
-When game failed, you can use the EXTRA-LIFE item to continue the gameplay without restart.
-Up to 31 achievements and 7 worldwide leaderboards waiting for you to explore.
-Backup savedgames to server and restore them whenever you want.
-The build-in screenshot system can help you keep the most wonderful moment to lossless images.