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The Little Crane That Could 6.21
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Driving a crane and operating a crane is so much fun. Improve your spatial skills and solve puzzles in this crane simulator, which is enjoyed by over 13 million people, young and old.
A realistic physics simulation gives you full control over the crane: rotate, elevate, bend, extend and grapple. Use your crane to solve a diverse set of challenges. This crane simulator lets you use mobile cranes, dump trucks, forklifts, skid loaders and even a sky crane helicopter.
The Little Crane That Could features 6 free levels and 21 premium levels (1 in-app-purchase unlocks all levels.)
If you get a grey screen after loading a user level, please do the following: Open settings app, select iCloud tab, log off, log into iCloud again. After iOS7 the iCloud terms were changed, and you may have to accept those again.
You can follow me @BramStolk on Twitter. Please consider providing feedback on the game, good or bad. I need to know what you are thinking. There is a button in the HELP screen that takes you to the feedback page in itunes. Also, there is a FAQ now at
If you open the settings of your device, and go to 'Little Crane' tab, you can reverse the controls to mimic real-life cranes where pulling the lever is boom up, and pushing is boom down.
'The Little Crane That Could' is a game by Abraham Stolk, and it uses the OpenDE physics engine.
Open Dynamics Engine is:
Copyright (c) 2001-2007, Russell L. Smith.
All rights reserved.
HUD graphic design by Matthew Beckman, music by