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The Secret Of Moonwall Palace Magic Can Be A Crime Hd 3.1
Screen Shots:
Take a journey from the sordid parts of the City of Hope… to the deepest parts of your mind...
As Martin, your life is hectic and nerve-wracking. You live in a world of law and order... Where the police are brutal and merciless. Where the words of the Grand Emperor are more important than the cry of millions.
• The Secret of Moonwall Palace was featured in the New & Noteworthy, What’s Hot, What We’re Playing, and Episodic Games sections of the App Store! •
• The Secret of Moonwall Palace - Murder on the Mumbai Express was a second best game in TouchArcade Game of the Week contest! •
• "All the elements of a fine game are there, including a nice cast of characters, a decent enough storyline, and wonderful hand-drawn graphics." - •
• "Fans of point and click adventure games, particularly those that enjoy the Myst series, will definitely get some fun out of the game." - •
• "Great thematic score; original setting; intriguing plot twist." - Adventure Gamers •
• "I must admit the characters themselves are quite distinct and not easily placed in common archetypes" - •
• "I would like to note something about the graphics – they’re excellent." - •
• "The developers have put in an original backstory, great hand-drawn graphics and reasonable writing." - •
Game features:
• Beautiful, hand drawn visuals.
• An amazing story set in a troubled urban-fantasy world, shattered by magic, horror and intrigue.
• Multiple secondary characters, ready to help you... or to stand in your way.
• Breathtaking soundtrack created by experienced professional composers.
• Hours of captivating gameplay.
• More than 50 backgrounds and locations.
• Dozens of objects to pick up and interact with.
• Hundreds of dialogue lines, descriptions and documents.
• Real-time gameplay experience in 24 hours mode.
• Partially non-linear gameplay.
• Advanced hint system.
• Hotspot display system.
• Twitter integration.
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