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Thumbrun 1.2
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Compete against players from all over the World to earn your crown as the fastest ThumbRunner on the planet! The sport that's sweeping the globe has the everyone asking the question: "Who is the fastest ThumbRunner?"
Is it you?
ThumbRun is a racing game that lets you RUN with your THUMBS. Using your iPhone/iPod Touch or iPad screen as your running track, drag your thumbs downward to simulate a running motion. The faster you drag your thumbs, the faster you run!
Compete on the track by running the 55, 200, and 400 meter dashes. Try to improve your time and become a ThumbRun master!
TO RUN: Simply touch and drag your thumbs downwards across the screen. This is as if your thumbs are your feet, and you're taking strides down the track. When you reach the end of the race, you will be shown your time.
DISCLAIMER: You use this application at your own risk and the application creator assumes no responsibility for dropped or damaged devices and/or personal injury. Any consequences as the result of becoming a ThumbRun master are explicitly your own and totally awesome!
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