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Tic Tac Pro 1.2
Screen Shots:
*Own the best Tic Tac Toe game on the app store; now completely free!*
Engage in a 2 player battle against a computer player or friend in a beautiful game of Tic Tac Toe. To keep gameplay fair, the player who gets the first turn is decided by a quick game of Rock, Paper, Scissors before each match.
+ Game Center integration.
+ 30 Game Center Achievements and 2 Leaderboards.
+ Talk to your friends with free, unlimited voice chat while you play. Compatible with any iPhone or iPod Touch.
+ Full-Resolution Retina Display graphics throughout.
+ 5 different Multiplayer modes including Local Wifi, Bluetooth, Pass 'n' Play, Friend Invite or Auto-match through Game Center.
+ Show off your stats in a detailed GamerCard during Multiplayer matches.
+ Earn Gamer Points from playing Tic Tac Pro and spend them in the Pro Shop for custom Backgrounds and 'X & O' graphics.
+ Win at Multiplayer Rock, Paper, Scissors and have your opponent play on your custom theme for a "Home Field" advantage.
+ Challenge an evil AI anytime and anywhere to sharpen your skills and earn stats towards achievements, gamer points, and new themes.
+ Customary FoWare highly polished and intuitive user interface experience.
The most fun and addictive way to play Tic Tac Toe is Tic Tac Pro. Enjoy!