This Version of Tic tac toe was added on 31-07-2015 in our apps store. It has been downloaded for free by 280 times by our valuable users. Download Latest Version of Tic tac toe for Free. is online mobile phone app stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads. Other versions of Tic tac toe may also available in our Mobile App store you can search them from related software category.
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Tic Tac Toe
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Bring back the memories of childhood when you used to play this game with your friends. Many times you won, at others you lost. Now play this game in your mobile phone. And you will not have to worry about the wastage of the paper either.
This game is sure to cheer you up every time you play it!
You can use the camera view as the game background. So that you can walk while you play without the fear of tripping on something or falling down! The camera option will enable a live view of the street where you are walking.
Tic Tac Toe is a 2 player game where each player take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. You can play with a friend or even against the mobile. The player who succeeds in placing three respective marks (Xs or Os) in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game!
No need of a pencil and paper just play it on your mobile, anytime your heart desires! Have fun with this fun and highly addictive game of strategies! The rules are simple!
★ Tic Tac Toe is a 2 player game.
★ Play against the computer or against a friend!
★ The play area is a 3x3 grid.
★ Each player must place his chosen mark, an X or a O in the grid.
★ The first player to align 3 Xs or Os, vertically, horizontally or diagonally wins the game!
★ Think and have a strategy to help you win!
Having a strategy to play the game will improve your chances to defeat your opponent! This game of chances is fun and addictive.
It is the best way to pass time if you are stuck waiting at the airport or for a meeting! This game is a hit with children and a great way to spend time with them!