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Timber Words
Screen Shots:
Update 1.2
-Fixed the game save/continue issue.
Bored of the old school word games? Play Timber Words! Make words on a 5x6 boards by sliding columns or rows. Resembles a rubic cube style game play. The more words the more score and bonus. Compete in a worldwide championship for daily, weekly, monthly and all time leadership, collect trophies and show them off in your exhibit pane.
-Thousands of words
-100++ levels
-In game tips
-Gradually increasing difficulty
-Autosave; ability to leave and continue where you left off (never loose game)
-Start game at any level
-Global score submit (if offline, save and submit later)
-Optional player message submit (displayed in leaderboards)
-Daily/Weekly/Monthly/All Time rankings
-Special exhibit for champions of yesterday, last week and last month
-In-game ranking system shows ranking achieved while playing
-Earn trophies/awards for your daily/weekly/monthly and all time achievements
-All time record breakers awarded immediately
-View other player's trophies, status message and score message
-Live message updates for ongoing daily competition and other important notifications
-Mango fast task switching
-Submit a message with score submission (just append it to your player name after a comma)