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Total Toadz 1.0.1
Screen Shots:
Flick your finger to eat some bugs!
How smartly can you snack? These toads are hungry, but each bulbous bug can help OR hurt your score. It's up to you to flick with finesse!
A flicking game with a mathematical twist! Not only do you have to eat all the bugs coming down-screen, but each one has a positive or negative number, and each toad has a plus or minus. Eat right and watch your score climb; eat wrong, and watch your score plummet! How high a score can you get before your toads are overwhelmed by their bug buffet? Add and subtract until your brain can't keep up!
-Simple to learn, impossible to master
-Perfect finger-flicking bliss
-2 minigames
-Retina graphics
-GameCenter leaderboards and achievements
-Great swamp music created by Antarctica Takes It!
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