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Treasure Hunter Hd Lite 1.1
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Dear my friends, welcome to KooGame Kingdom. Now we are showing you is an adventure full of surprise and pleasure. We support each explorer with a High-Tech Goblin Cable Excavator and a guidebook with a FREE hand! And then, you should master your own destiny by yourself.
Our Cable Excavator is very safe, efficient and easy to use. It will NEVER pocket your treasures for itself. But please trust me my friends, your trip will not go on so smoothly. Who knows whether you’ll be Blown to Bits by a big bomb and nobody can tell you when the hateful Dung Beetles is sneaking to take away your diamond... Oh God! It seems too much I have told you!
No, no, no, no, don’t leave me, please. Door for treasures has been open, infinite wealth and inviting collections are here waiting for you. All what you need is just to move one of your fingers and loot them home!
Yours sincerely, King of KooGame
This is a lite version for users’ feedback. If you have any advice please mail us: We’ll make the game better by your advice. Thank you!