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Whirly Word Hd 1.1
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Whirly Word® is one of the most popular word games today … 2.5 million customers can’t be wrong!
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"...the entertainment value never fades with this game. This was one of the first apps I downloaded on my iPhone several years back and I still play it often." ~ Macworld Australia
"... you might just find yourself playing it long beyond the amount of time you initially intended to–it has a way of keeping you engaged long after you thought you’d be bored of it." -
"... Whirly Word holds true to its developers promise and is a breath of fresh air from your average scrambled letter iPhone games." -
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How many words can you discover from six letters? Solve the puzzle instantly by finding the six-letter word or step up to the challenge of finding all possible words with the letters given.
The large buttons and sensible design allow you to get lost in puzzles for hours. Or take a quick break from your daily routine to play for just a few minutes. This game is smart and remembers right where you left off.
Whirly Word HD comes with
* over 7,500 puzzles
* two puzzle levels (Abridged and Tournament)
* a built in dictionary to lookup definitions
* multiple color schemes
* records keeping track of your success
* bonuses
* portrait or landscape game boards
* background music and sound
Our Abridged Dictionary puzzles use words that you will recognize or take a plunge into the Tournament Dictionary for a brain boggling experience.
Challenge your vocabulary prowess and play until you win!
If you enjoy playing games like Text Twist, Scrabble, Boggle or Word Scramble then Whirly Word is the game for you!