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Whitakers Almanack Sports Quiz 1.0.1
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Whitaker’s Almanack Sport Quiz App – a must for all sports fans everywhere!
Whitaker’s Almanack Sports Quiz is the most challenging sports quiz on the app store. With over 1000 general knowledge questions across a range of topics this game will challenge every facet of your sporting knowledge and rank you against other users the world over in a global leader board.
Who scored the first-ever goal in the Premier League? When was croquet last played at the Olympic Games? Which country won the first Rugby World Cup? What was memorable about the 1993 Grand National? How high is a badminton net? Where was the first Ashes Test staged?
Over 1,000 questions for sports fans and sports trivia buffs, compiled by the editors of Whitaker’s Almanack.
Questions on Football, Cricket, Rugby Union, Golf, Tennis, Horse Racing, Boxing, Olympics, Motorsport, Rugby League as well as Sailing, Snooker, Curling, Darts – and more
Climb the leader board on Game Centre, competing against your friends and other players from around the world.
Boast about your scores on Facebook or Tweet them to your friends.
Dying to know where you went wrong? Reveal the answers with the in-app add-on
Play against the clock at three different skill levels: novice, skilled or genius.
Featuring four different question types: multiple choice, guess the year, matching pairs and true or false.
On your marks, get set, go… Take the ultimate test!
Whitaker’s Almanack Quiz apps have the authority of their sister print publication Whitaker’s Almanack, which has been published annually since 1868.