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Witch Splash 1.0.2
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Witch Row Breaker is very fun and addictive Android game, the graphics of the game will take you to the magical world.
Our Game have 99 brand new original levels, auto save option is included in the game.
The objective of the game is to control the 2 horizontal line rows from the both sides, slide them up and down to create full match with the middle line row.
Break the vertical line row by matching 3 rows of the same kind.
New elements will be open every level you win, the speed of the middle row will also increase with every level, this will challenge your speed and focus.
There are 12 elements in the game, some of the elements will help you to win, other will slow your progress in the game, be aware of them.
Witch row breaker will also provide you with help screens to understand the game better.
Use choose levels option whenever you want to pick your desirable level to play.
Log in to Goggle game center and compete with other players worldwide, we have 23 Achievements, by passing the levels you will discover them.
Our game was developed specially for all ages.
Download Witch row breaker now, play it, have fun, and tell us about it, we will love to hear your feedback.