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Working Man
Screen Shots:
Challenge yourself, your friends or the computer in this ultimate life simulation game. There are four goals you have to reach to win the game to be the WORKING MAN!. Raise your education, work hard for your career, earn some money and relax to be happy.
You start your game with 200$, no job, no education and a crappy apartment. First you need a job. Go to Job center to get one. Remember, you have no education, so high paying jobs are out of your limit. Better jobs need better education and more working experience. Educate yourself at school, roll for studies and start learning. Also remember to give youself a day off and relax at home. Buy stuff to your home so you feel more relaxed. Rent finer apartment and eat fancy meals to be happy. Follow your goals from the status screen and plan your moves for less rounds.
* single player or against the computer
* multiplayer with up to four players (playing on the same phone only)
* three different game lengths
* beautiful pixel graphics (would have been in 1985)
* changing economy that affects product prices and wages
* 10 different furnitures you can buy to your apartment
* 10 different courses you study in school
* save/load
* random events
feedback & bug reports :
Release 1.2
* Added moped
* Random events
* Bug fixes
Release 1.1
* Bug fixes
* Trial mode
* Save/Load game