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World Conqueror 1945
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World Conqueror 1945 is a new style strategy game on the background of WWⅡ(Super Risk). In the game depending on troops you can compete for territories such as lands, cities and oceans, further for resources, develop economy and military, conquer enemies' capitals and destroy the enemies.
During the game you need to operate and distribute the three basic troops reasonably which include soldiers, tanks and artillery.(Soldier troop with high yields but general attack, tank troop with high attack and continue action when complete destroying the enemies, artillery troop attacks soldier troop and tank troop while they cannot strike back),judge on the current situation correctly at any time for the AI is outstanding. The attributes of arms are different from each country. For example, the tank of Germany is most powerful but with high price, the cannon of the Soviet Union is excellent, the navy of Britain is best.
The troop will gain experience by combat, and get the medal with enough experience. The troop owning the medal is with higher combat effectiveness than the normal troops and will become a Troop Ace.
Include two modes: conquest mode and battle mode
Conquest mode: choose one country from the 11 Axis and Allies which may change the fate of the world to dominate the world. The others will be your allies, enemies and neutral. There are 3 periods to choose from: 1940 the beginning WWⅡ,1942 the middle WWⅡ, 1944 the end WWⅡ.
Battle mode: 10 great battles which may change the fate of the world are waiting for your challenge!
1942 Pacific War
1943 China Burma India Theater
1942 The Battle of Kursk
1944 D-Day in Normandy
1941 North African Campaign
1942 Kokoda Campaign
1945 The Fate of Reich
1945 August Storm
1942 Compete for Indian Ocean
1940 Sea Road
- battle mode and conquest mode
- 11 belligerent states
- 40 military troops
- 17 military cards
- 5 difficulty levels
- 3 periods and 10 battles