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Z.o.n.a Road To Limansk Hd 1.00
Screen Shots:
*** Redesigned graphics, improved physics, dynamic gameplay and other will not let you get bored.
Game actions start in a short time after the first part Z.O.N.A. Where our protagonist reaching the post of DPS expected to leave the Chernobyl zone.
Suddenly he found himself in an abandoned bar.
Starting from this place you have to find your way across the abandoned exclusion zone. Lots of tracks, challenging puzzles and tasks are waiting for you in the game.
As well as a huge number of Soviet machinery that will help you to overcome a long way from the area or even discover the secret of what is happening here.
Key games:
* Familiar world of post-Soviet space.
* Authentic objects of the Chernobyl exclusion zone
* Atmosphere of eerie mystery and constant danger
* Collection and sale of artifacts.
* Atmospheric music and sound.
* Large selection of Soviet machinery.
* Death anomalies.
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