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Zoo Manager Lite 1.4
Screen Shots:
Have you ever dreamt of working as a Zoo Manager in a zoo so that you can get close to all the cute Monkey, Giraffe, Lion, Rabbit & Horse?
With this game “Zoo Manager” you will be able to sample the managership of a zoo about how to deal with the animals for their daily needs: FOOD.
If you love the thrills and spills of Flight Control, you will love even more the challenging job of Zoo Manager!
Zoo Manager is the best game you could ever find, not just for you, but also for your family -- especially your kids. It’s an absolute addiction once you start to play.
Download now & try it today! You will become a fan of the Zoo Manager.
█ Very cute cartoon flavor characters & scenes.
█ Very cinematic reactions from each & every animal when fed with the food.
█ Very circus-like entertainment experience.
█ Very colorful sound effects & music matching perfectly with the game.
█ Very courageous you have to be to take good care of the animals!
In the game you will touch the direction switches (the yellow arrows) on the conveyer to let the right food go to the corresponding animals:
Banana → Monkey
Leaves → Giraffe
Meat → Lion
Carrot → Rabbit
Grass → Horse
Time limit for each level is shown as a count down timer on the top side of the screen.
You get scores for correct feeding but lose scores for wrong food fed to the animals.
To pass a level, you have to feed all animals with required number of plates of correct food before time expires.
Enjoy the feeding!
By the way, if you like Zoo Manager, check our "Dual Spin Ball". You'll love it, too
如果你喜歡緊張刺激的 flight control,你會更喜愛這款更具挑戰性的動物管理員
- 非常可愛的卡通腳色和場景
- 當動物被餵食後會有對應的反應
- 帶給你有如馬戲團般的娛樂體驗
- 多彩多姿的音樂和音效
- 好好的照顧動物吧
香蕉 餵給 猴子吃
樹葉 餵給 長頸鹿吃
肉 餵給 獅子吃
胡蘿蔔 餵給 兔子吃
牧草 餵給 馬吃
PS:如果你喜歡Zoo Manager,相信你也會喜歡"Dual Spin Ball".