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Facial V5.30 Unsigned
Screen Shots:
- FULL Facebook Messages (send, reply, manage)
- Feed, Friends, Photos, Pages, Events, Groups, Notifications
- Post, Check In, Post a photo, Comment, Like
- Search
- Auto refresh
- Swipe gestures
- Black and White theme
v5.3 Changelog:
- Feed/wall improvements
- Stories
- "Message tags" and "Story tags" linked to walls
- "With" tags and "Place" tags
- Feed/wall length longer by default
- "Status updates" -view (under Friends)
- "Check ins" -view (under Friends)
- Font size increased though out the app
- Large font option added
- New Messages are checked in every refresh
- Unified messaging
- Same view of messages as in
- Loads now only 5 most recent conversations
- Load all conversations button
- Audio alert for new notifications & messages (option to disable)
- Import your pages/groups into Favorites
- Improved Notification linking to posts
- Vibrating/audio alert not given if silent profile
- Minimize button replaces old Exit button
- New Exit button under Settings
- New design for black theme
- Improved split screen input (in Messaging)
- Upcoming events shown by default. Show past events button.