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Fring 4.00
Screen Shots:
All fring calls are routed to a VoIP gateway and PSTN termination server. Calls destined to GSM and PSTN networks pass through a circuit switch such as Skype or SIP. Calls to VoIP users continue through the VoIP gateway to their destinations. Support for DTMF dialing is available for Symbian devices[6.
[edit Features
Feature set is platform-dependent and may include: [7
* Mobile VoIP communication[8 (not in Java version). [9
* Two-way video calls[10[11.
* Interconnects with PC VoIP applications,[12 including Skype, Windows Live Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk, Yahoo! and AIM.[13
* Live chat between Skype, Windows Live Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger, AIM and Twitter[14
* PSTN and GSM lines using SkypeOut or SIP termination
* Send & Receive files[15 between Skype, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and fring[16
* Real time presence indication
* Call History[17
* Auto-roam[18 in and out of WiFi hotspots[19
[edit fring API
The fring Application programming interface is an open API that gives developers access to fring's core network and mobile client. [20 The API opened to developers on the 18 June 2008. [21