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Im Plus Messenger V7.10
Screen Shots:
Main Benefits:
* Simultaneous connection to all supported IM systems.
* No cost per message, only standard payment for wireless data transfer.
* One-Time Purchase License: all further updates included.
Key Features:
* Message History. View correspondence with your contacts even when you're offline.
* Search in contact list and chat history.
* A list of contacts who you have new messages from will be displayed by focusing on the envelope in the upper right-hand corner.
* Template Messages. Send a messages using templates. Create your own templates for your messages
* Voice messaging enabled. Send and receive voice messages with IM+.
* File transfer. Excellent alternative to MMS, send files and photos over GPRS.
* Full presence status support. Set your own status to give your contacts an idea of your mood.
* Contact list management functions including add/delete features.
* Layout aware. Screen renovation during the orientation change (portrait and landscape).
* Set up melody alert. Select the melody for messages received. Select the melody when another user gets online.
* Multiple dialog windows. Don't miss a moment, chat with several buddies simultaneously.
* Smileys. Add emotions to your messages, a huge set of funny faces available.
* Exchange messages in any language installed on a phone.
* Integrated help function. Easy to configure and easy to chat.
* Support requests. Send support requests directly from mobile devices.
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