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Uc_browser V8.3.0.133 Officail Englishss60v3 Pf28 Build12030918 8.3
Screen Shots:
This is the Official UC Browser. Before i uploaded that was a custom version of UC Browser8.3. But this is Official.
Test points:
1.Wifi optimization (the main test wifi optimization mode with or without abnormal page views freely, whether to increase the power consumption, whetherto increase the speed)
2.account management (testing multi account logon is normal, covering installation)
3.the bookmark synchronization(bookmarks real-time synchronization, covering installation)
4. no trace browsing
5.graffiti, screen shots, and free to copy optimization
New features:
-[Bookmark real-time synchronization intelligent convenient, without manual synchronization between local and server bookmarks, local bookmarks change can be automatically synchronized.
-[Intelligent open wifi optimizationsupport automatically open in a wifi environment wifi optimization, image quality, networking speeds across the board upgrade, no traffic can experience better browsing.
-[Seamless Browse to open the URL input, search records and access history without leaving any traces, escort for privacy.
-[Volume keys page touch-screenmachines to support the volume key to turn it! Fingers without substantial slide pages can glance in the end, tap the volume keys, flip fast and simple.
Function optimization:
-[Multi-account form to save to support the same page to save the multi-account form, next time you log auto-fill, no need toenter the province of time and effort.
-[Screenshot optimization touch-screen machines to support the powerful combination of self-defined screenshots, and graffiti every screenshots can be heart embellishment, side cross-sectional side painting full of personality.
-[Graffiti optimization touch-screen machines to add handwriting thickness and color options box, paint color, arbitrary, let your masterpiece to express individuality.