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Clinicians Pocket Reference The Scut Monkey Book 2.6.2_30
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The original Scut Monkey Handbook is the market-leading survival guide for the wards and in the clinic!
"This pocket reference is packed with information that is important for medical students and interns on a day-to-day basis. It is rich with practical information that might otherwise be located in different manuals....Medical students and other healthcare providers beginning their clinical rotations are the intended audience. The fundamental information is important for all clinicians to master, thus the book serves housestaff quite well also....This book continues to be a favorite among medical students and housestaff for good reason."--Doody's Review Service
"This book continues to be a favorite among medical students and housestaff for good reason."--Doody's Review Service
This portable, pocket-sized "manual of manuals" provides essential patient care information for medical students. You will find totally up-to-date coverage of current treatment protocols and step-by-step information on the history and physical examination, differential diagnosis, key lab and diagnostic tests, and much more.
* Revised format and design delivers bulleted, concise information as well as numerous flow charts and tables
* Thoroughly updated and revised with particular attention to topics like clinical microbiology, critical care, emergencies, and commonly used medications
Never Leave Home Without The Monkey!
Widely known as the Scut Monkey Handbook, the Clinician's Pocket Reference 11/ed is a resident's and medical student's survival guide for the wards and in the clinic. It is also widely used among practicing physicians and health care providers to access essential information in patient care. This popular reference app provides a well-organized and strategically delivered format equipped with an automatic updates feature to ensure the most current medical information available. Quickly access information on history and physical examination, current treatment protocols, differential diagnosis, key lab and diagnostic tests, and much more.
How Does The Clinician's Pocket Reference Help You?
* Save time with a comprehensive index to facilitate quick and easy searching.
* Improve patient care with notes and bookmarks by quickly accessing frequently used patient information.
* Simplify daily tasks with calculators to help accurately determine important values for patients.