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Eye Chart Premium 1.1
Screen Shots:
The premium version of the best Snellen, Tumbling E, and Landolt chart for the AppStore, specifically designed for the iPad!
Over 500,000 people have downloaded Dok's mobile electronic eye charts. This is hands down our best one, and it's at a *limited* introductory price. If you're a doctor or nurse, try it out!
Useful for:
- Triaging
- House visits
- Patients who have memorized the office chart
- Randomizable Snellen Chart
- Randomizable Tumbling E Chart
- Randomizable Landolt C Chart
- Randomize the whole chart or one line at a time
- Resize the chart for a closer test
- Invert the chart for use with a mirror
- Smooth interface with animations
Eye Chart Premium is a generator for randomized Snellen, Tumbling E, and Landolt C charts to offer a rough but useful screen of visual acuity. Simply press a button to randomize the entire eye chart, or touch an individual line of the chart to randomize that line. Tap another button to toggle between Snellen, Tumbling E, and Landolt C charts.
Eye care professionals around the world use Snellen Eye Charts to measure visual acuity. However, patients often memorize the classic Snellen chart, leading to less accurate vision measurements. Enter Eye Chart Premium! Though this unique, notebook sized randomizable eye chart should not be used as a primary visual acuity measuring tool, it can provide a handy rough vision screen when a chart is not available, or it can be used to complement static, wall-based Snellen charts.
Eye Chart Premium was made with the best of intentions, and we hope to continue improving it. Your feedback is appreciated!