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Hpf Mobile Deficiency Completion 1.0.1426
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McKesson’s Horizon Patient Folder Mobile Deficiency Completion makes completion of work assignments associated with the medical record more convenient for physicians and clinicians. By delivering powerful functionality to the physician’s mobile device, work assignments, including signatures and text-editable signatures, can be completed wherever and whenever it is convenient, greatly improving on turn-around times and work backlogs. This capability improves revenue cycle for the hospital by shortening document completion times thereby improving efficiency in the bill-to-cash process.
• Built-in security to prevent unauthorized access of PHI
• Badge-push notifications to alert physicians that work items exist
• Multi-facility support to allow physicians to utilize their personal device for multiple Horizon Patient Folder (HPF) systems
• Ability to complete work items for signature and text-editable signature via WiFi or 3G access
• Detailed patient, encounter and medical record information to assist in work item completion
• Robust functionality to sign and edit documents, decline assignments and view pertinent patient demographic data via mobile device
• Support of all document views
• Must have an Apple device with iOS version 4.2.1 or newer.
• Must have network connectivity to the HPF Mobile Server for your facility. This includes 3G or Wi-Fi access.
• Must have a valid physician HPF login. Please contact your HPF system administrator for details.