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Oncology Times 1.5
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Oncology Times
The Independent Hem/Onc News Source
Oncology Times, the Independent Hem/Onc News Source for the cancer care team, is now available on the iPad. This dynamic app optimizes the best in digital technology to enhance a print-like reading experience with article-sharing features, multimedia enhancements, reference links, and more. Published twice a month, this award-winning newspaper for oncology care professionals reports on breaking clinical news as well as the political, reimbursement, advocacy, industry, and practice management issues that affect those treating cancer patients. The focus is on analysis, commentary, and controversy from key opinion leaders, as well as insider scoops from those in the know who haven’t spoken out elsewhere.
Key features:
-Easy-to-read full-text articles that can be shared via email or social media
-Adjustable text sizing with pinch and zoom
-Engaging multimedia videos, images, reference links, animation, and iPad exclusives
-Choose to store or delete downloaded issues
-Speedy browsing capability via Quick View
-Easily page from article to article
-Convenient notification when each new issue is available.