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Resuscitate Cpr Aed Amp Choking 2.0.1
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Developed as a public service by leading physicians and educators in emergency care at the University of Washington and King County EMS, the Resuscitate application provides instant information on how to perform CPR, operate four commonly available Automated External Defibrillators (AED) and how to aid a choking victim. These are short video demonstrations (about 1 minute) and are compatible with the latest recommendations from the major international resuscitation organizations including the American Heart Association and the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR).
This application is not a substitute for proper training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, AED or choking aid but it is very useful for a quick review. We urge everyone to receive formal instruction in CPR/AED and how to assist a choking victim--being trained may help you save a life. More information on CPR/AED and choking aid may be found at and
The videos were produced with the assistance of the University of Washington, the Life Sciences Discovery Fund, the Medic One Foundation, King County Emergency Medical Services, the Seattle Fire Department, the Laerdal Foundation for Acute Medicine and the Heart Rescue Medtronic Foundation. They, like us are convinced that teaching these life saving techniques to as many people as possible will save lives.
Go ahead. Download the app, share it with your friends, help people get trained.