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1.99$ to FREE limited time offer!
ClipInMedia’s Running app helps you to track your run with user friendly interface equally beneficial for starters and professionals training for running marathons and fast running Sprints. Running app keeps you motivated to reach your goals and keep pushing you forward to improve stamina, speed, sprints and fitness level.
By tracking your Runs it will keep you motivated to get fit, lose weight and improve running stats.
Hot Premium RUN MODES:
Basic Running : For your day to day run, walk and jog
Speed Run : Break your fastest run records : 1km,2km,5km,10km
Distance Run : Set distance challenge and run to achieve
Time Run : Set time and run till time stops ticking
COOL Diagnostic FEATURE:
SPLITS : Splits your total run into parts : for example if you run 3km the run app will convert the 3km run into small 1km splits telling you information for each split. Helps to diagnose your weakness and strength so can improve better!
Fun features:
- Add photos to your run for making it memorable
- Add notes/memo at the end of run
- Share your runs with friends on facebook, twitter and other social networks
Detailed features:
- Shows your location and route on map
- Count calories you have burnt
- Shows your average pace
- Shows total distance you have covered
- Shows total time since start of run
- Locks your screen to protect from unwanted touches while running