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1 Click Extension Mobility 1.3
Screen Shots:
1-Click Extension Mobility is an application that allow you to login / logout your IP phone using the Extension Mobility feature on Cisco UC Manager (UCM) from your iPhone.
With the saved profile, you don't need to access your IP phone and enter your username and PIN every time you login, it can be done by this app with 1-click. Provided that IP connectivity to Cisco UCM is available, you can login / logout remotely from your iPhone.
Key features
- Saved Up to 3 User Profiles - you don't need to key in every time
- Profile with nickname - you don't need to remember the MAC address of the phone
- Login / Logout Extension Mobility of your Cisco IP Phone from iPhone
Video demo:
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1-click Extension Mobility 是一個iPhone app,使用Cisco UCM 的 Extension Mobility 功能遠程登入/登出您的Cisco IP電話。
您輸入的用戶名和密碼跟IP電話的資料可以保存, 您不必觸碰您的IP電話就可以通過這個iPhone app單擊, 從遠端登入/登出。
- 保存最多3個用戶電話配置
- 給予 IP電話綽號 - 你不需要記住電話的MAC地址
- 遠程登入/登出您的Cisco IP電話
1-click Extension Mobility 是一个iPhone app,使用Cisco UCM 的Extension Mobility 功能远程登入/登出您的Cisco IP电话。
您输入的用户名和密码跟IP电话的资料可以保存, 您不必触碰您的IP电话就可以通过这个iPhone app单击, 从远端登入/登出。
- 保存最多3个用户电话配置
- 给予IP电话绰号- 你不需要记住电话的MAC地址
- 远程登入/登出您的Cisco IP电话