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1 Click Memo 1.1
Screen Shots:
This is the most effective idea and thought capture tool in existence. With a single tap you can record your memo and it will automatically go to your or your assistant’s email inbox.
Use it to capture your ideas or record reminders anytime. It is designed to work extremely well while your are driving (you don’t have to look at the screen at all) or when you just cannot be distracted by the geistesblitz you just had for more than a second.
Achieve the desired mind-like-water state with a single tap - launch the app, record your thought and your are good to continue with whatever else needs your attention at this moment.
This app will automatically mail your memos to yourself or to an assistant to follow up at a later stage.
What is the difference between 1-ClickMemoMail and Evernote or the Apple Voice Recorder or Siri? With 1-ClickMemoMail all it takes is a single
tap and your memo will show up in your email inbox. Other tools may be more sophisticated - but required way too much interaction to be conveniently used again and again.
This app was built based on the principles of 37signals’ ReWork:
- we have “scratched our own itch”: We are busy and creative people. We got tons of things to remember - but no time to deal with writing down all those ideas. We are using this app ourselves 50 times a day. Not a single idea or thought is lost.
- “less is a good thing”: 1-ClickMemoMail does one thing only. And that thing it does extremely well.
Usage is a simple as it gets:
- launch the app and it will start recording
- rotate the device to pause recording & rotate it back to continue
- shake the device to cancel recording and stop mailing (eliminate potentially embarrassing incidents in case you are mailing to someone else but yourself)
- let the predefined recording time elapse or tap the screen to end recording.
Tap the history button to see all your memos. From there you could:
- re-send memos to different recipients
- delete memos
- listen to your memos.