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3form Presentations 1.17
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The 3form iPad app is the perfect way to learn about and display 3form material solutions with the convenience, functionality and portability of the iPad. This application is designed to inspire those in the Architecture + Design community as they seek out and specify the best translucent materials available today. The application provides an easy way to view presentations of 3form product lines and solutions.
The 3form app gives you the ability to browse images by category and organized by presentation; the ability to easily email images directly from the portfolio; and play the images as a slideshow. Additionally, the application can be viewed while connected to a projector for easy audience involvement.
3form is the leading manufacturer of award-winning, sustainable building materials and architectural hardware solutions for the Architecture + Design industry. Our innovative 3form Varia Ecoresin® system, with 40% recycled content, encapsulates translucent color, organic materials, sheer textiles and embossed textures within translucent panel for architectural glass alternatives. You can use 3form Hardware with our innovative translucent panels to create translucent walls, dividers, sliding doors and other architectural solutions.
Are you a 3form specifier? You can use this application onsite to help your clients better understand the myriad possibilities of 3form.