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4x4 Gyroscope Clinometer 3.5
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* iTunes front page! "On the Road" best apps! Don't miss it! *
** New! Added all new truck choices, including Toyota, I listened to your feedback!
** New Night Mode View. Based on your feedback! You can now toggle between Day and Night mode with 1 click! **
New! Added real time color changes - green - red - orange, for the Pitch and Roll values to show warning levels in color.
A Clinometer (a.k.a Inclinometer). This is the real thing, using the iPhone Gyroscope. Watch the smooth and fluid motion of the real Gyro.
This means you NEVER need to calibrate this Clinometer when off road (like the older apps needed). Once mounted (landscape mode) on your truck, the Gyro will hold a steady indication of tilt and roll.
Before use, on level ground, mount the phone in landscape mode on your truck, with volume buttons on top, level with the dashboard. After this, no further changes are needed, it will automatically use the Gyro and gravity to know the tilt and roll of the vehicle. You can use the RESET button to level the app if your mount is non level, or needs to be at an angle.
The display has a graphic read out that shows both a picture view and a number view in degrees for quick reference. The Tilt and Roll angles are clearly visible and accurate.
Whether your truck is built for off-road only, or just for infrequent trips, you'll have fun watching the gauges on your Clinometer. In addition, it adds safety as you can see an estimate of the roll-over point!
Also, since the iPhone is illuminated, night off road use is no problem!
We are avid off road fans ourselves, and designed this app for our own fun, we hope you find it useful as well!
iPad 2 users, free iOS update 4.3.1 is required to run this on the iPad 2 (the iOS update allows the gyroscope in the iPad to work).