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5 Minute Chest And Arms Hd Upper Body Workouts 3.0.2
Screen Shots:
A pre programmed 5 minute daily workout plan to tone your chest and arms!
- Over seventy 5 minute sessions to work through
- Targets for each exercise which continually change depending on your progress
- Timer function to guide exercise AND rest
- Log all your results and to keep track of your achievements
- Integrated music player to help keep you motivated
- Clear instructions with 3D animations of every exercise
- 3 Different difficulty levels
Want an upper body workout to tone your chest and arms but don't have the time? Then try this app. All sessions have timed rest and exercise periods to ensure workouts take no more than 5 minutes - even the busiest people should be able to find 5 minutes to exercise!
Get bored doing of doing the same exercises over and over again? Over 70 sessions created from 19 different exercises means every session is different and you never know what exercises to expect.
Need motivating? EVERY exercise in EVERY session has a target to aim for which will vary depending on your previous progress.
Not convinced you can achieve much in 5 minutes? Log all your completed exercises and see how much exercise you have done since you started the plan.
Need energy? Play your favourite workout tracks from your ipod library while you workout.
Feel you are a fitness novice? All exercises feature detailed instructions and clear 3D animations.
See what you can achieve in 5 minutes a day
*** Please be aware that this app requires dumbbell hand weights for many of the exercises