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5by5 1.1
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Communication on the battlefield is often a tricky thing, with loud noises and shiny things all over the place getting important messages to your team can be difficult to say the least.
In wars gone by people employed runners and even pigeons for this task however in the modern age of computers, mobile phones and twitter; day to day communication doesn't have to be complicated, wordy or or even coherent so why should battlefield comms be any different?
I present to you an app that may very well change your game, 5by5.
Quickly send 12 pre-defined short messages to your team mates through a secure password protected channel. Find you and your teams locations on an accurate map and see where messages were sent from.
** Features and Benefits **
* Simple interface for ease of use in the field.
* Easily send short messages to your team while in play.
* No limit on the amount of players.
* See your position on a map in real time.
* See your teammate's positions in Almost Real Timeā¢
* See the position of messages on a map.
** Important **
An internet connection is required in order to use this app, please check the coverage at your site.
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