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7 Day Diets 1.0
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Fed up with diets that don't work or you can't complete?
The reason for why most diets fail, in our opinion, is that they impose unrealistic restrictions on how you live your life. Some advocate eating tons of protein others emphasize carbohydrates. In either case, you're left with having to make rather drastic changes to the types of food you eat and when you eat it.
Try our 7 day diets and see how much weight you can loose!
These diets are short and tailored to how you feel.
High Protein
- Low fat (fat contains twice as much calories as protein or carbohydrates)
- Low GI which helps you feel full for longer
- High protein meal this is proven to have a high-satiety value
- Points (calorie) based diet
- Focuses on filling foods such as fruit, vegetables and whole grains
- Wide variety of meals to keep you on track.
- Extra easy eating plan
- You can follow the menus in any order
- Eat as much as you like there all 'free foods'
- Extremely effective in cleansing and revitalizing your body
All these diets should see a health reduction in weight.