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7 Minute Workout 3.1.0
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Now with HealthKit! Join 2 million others with the best 7 Minute Workout app. #1 fitness app in 127 countries.
12 high intensity bodyweight exercises. 30 seconds per exercise, 10 seconds rest between exercises.
Featured by Apple in the best "Apps for Health". Lifehacker chose 7 Minute Workout in "The Best Apps That Integrate With iOS 8's HealthKit".
User reviews : "Beautiful, simple, perfect." & "Useful and beautiful!"
Voice prompted, so complete the entire workout without looking at a timer or device!
Our App Preview was chosen by Apple as one of the featured videos for the iOS 8, iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus launch, check it out!
This app is inspired by the 7 Minute Workout that was originally published in ACSM'S Health & Fitness Journal and then covered by the NYTimes.
What the 7 minute workout app does:
* Outline of all the exercises in the workout.
* See video and text descriptions of each exercise.
* Perform the workout with countdown timers and prompting for each exercise and breaks.
* Voice prompting for each step, no need to even look at the phone!
* No need for timers.
* No confusion on what exercise to do next, or how to do it.
* HealthKit integration.
Upgrade to:
* See a workout log.
* Set the duration per exercise.
* Set the rest between exercises.
* Adjust the number of sets.
* Randomize the exercises.
Unlock alternative workouts.