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798library 1.0
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798 art zone is increasingly concerned by the whole world as a landmark of Beijing,
798 LIBRARY iPad apps is a series of digital publications on chinese contemporary arts.
As a most representative bauhaus architecture, it has been built to be a more detailed space after several times reformed since 1950's. The bricks extend from ground to wall were all made from the dismantled kiln of the 798 factory, and the wall is covered with the shadow and mottled sunlight through of green bamboos. We can't see huge signs but a door printed with '798 LIBRARY | WE-SPACE', the passage is very clever built with undreds of flaw bowls arranged intensively along the way to the reading area, and the flaw bowls are also drawn from the local 798 factory. Walk along this cellular channel, you will see a wide and bright space, the 798 LIBRARY.
798 LIBRARY is a new concept library which is founded by WE-ME inc., it is also the first and only similar library in Beijing located in the center of 798 art zone. After the FR PRESS of WE-ME, 798 LIBRARY is created to be a new media center which positioned on the contemporary art and new media developement with the mark of 798 art zone and more contemporary art communities in beijing.
798LIBRARY provides an offline solution under library 2.0 concept, it is not only to be read but also to be interactively participated. Maximum to attract micro-contents to the library's constructive participation is the core value of the unit.