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8 Weeks To Amazing Arms Video 1.0
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Try out these fantastic Pilates exercises for perfectly toned and jiggle-free arms, brought to you from the creators of NYC's famous and finest studio, Pilates on Fifth. It's easy and simple to follow this 8-week video workout plan, designed by Katherine and Kimberly Corp, the founders and owners of Exercises are suited for beginners and advanced students alike and are organized by days of the week. No additional equipment is required, making it possible to do Pilates from home! Intuitively Browse and Search through the exercises. Play, Pause, and Bookmark the videos and Save Favorites to create your own customized workout plan. Take Notes throughout the app, too, so that you can create your own personalized tips for each exercise. Kiss your jiggling arms goodbye and get toned and tightened with 8 weeks of Great Pilates Workouts- Anytime, Anywhere!