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Abc Speed And Control Hd Eng 1.03
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This App is also available in Italian and for iPhone (English and Italian).
Discover the secrets of a GT driver with ABC Speed and Control!
Get in touch with car racing!
You will see the world of motorsport from a new point of view. Thanks to this App you will be able to better understand car physics and what being a driver means.
The Aston Martin DB9RS has been chosen for the video chapters!
The App, which consists in nine video chapters and a dynamics simulator, will explain how a driver prepares, lives and confronts a race.
Many technical aspects are explained such as controlling the car, understanding the concept of the racing line, the correct position in the car, the use of the pedals, controlling braking and accelerating, car dynamics and the opposite lock manoeuvre!
Safety tips, unknown to most people, will be useful in everyday driving.
Inside the App particular attention is given to the understanding of car dynamics during turns, acceleration and braking thanks to a Car Dynamics Simulator whose goal is to help you understand the basics of pitch and roll phenomenon.
ABC Speed and Control is the first App in its genre and a must have for any car lover!
Pirelli and ACIsport Italia are the official partners of ABC Speed and Control.
This App is meant for entertainment purposes only. Any other use is at user's own risk.